My Own Opinions
In response to gagknee's recent reviews , I must add this rebuttal:
Deadwood: First season was awesome. Second, I'm not convinced either way. I'll keep you posted. Season 1: 4.8 stars Season 2: 2.9 stars (so far)
Pale Rider: OK. Not exactly impressive especially since it could desperately use a restoration. But not nearly as heinous as I had envisioned westerns to be. 3.25 stars
Outlaw Josey Wales: Good movie. Really. So I've let my guard down regarding westerns. I'll give it 4.5 stars
Serenity: This was a contrived, idiotic movie with no originality and certainly not a single exceptionally acted moment. It was a mix of Fifth Element and The Postman but lacking all the excitement & uniqueness of the first and all the period charm of the second. Gagknee, what were you thinking. Did you actually enjoy this flick??? Reaching I'd give it 2 stars.
Arrested Development I: Entertaining and funny. I love comedies and this one is a hit in my book. 'nuff said. 5 stars
As far as The Hills Have Eyes & Friday Night Lights, I have no opinion as I have not had the opportunity, nor do I want one, to watch either.
No Brainer
Recently I read these words on the side of the can of Cashews I was happily munching on:
Allergy Warning: Contains Cashews
I kid you not.
Ouch, my eyes are burning. Is it my lack of sleep, keeping the contacts in far too long, staring at the computer screen??? No, it is none of these things.
Yesterday, I had the joy of getting a full view of "down dress" -- very similar to "up-skirt". Yes, Lurleen was comfortably draped over her porch railing and I was graced with an image that will take weeks to fade. Seems to me she's getting ready for Mrs. Claus auditions shortly.
This morning I came across this statement in a personal blog in reference to mothers over thirty: "Some are still content with their stereotypical PTA type body image" With the innundation of Maxine comics, Red Hat Society humor and stereotypes of how men & women age according to our culture, I am frankly getting peeved. I mean what is this obsession with men are bad and women like being cranky and fat and proud of it? Oddly enough, it seems the same gossipy women who giggle over Maxine comics are also the ones to toot the horn loudly that women deserve equal rights because they are equal. What an idiotic group we must be to stand on a soapbox and on one hand fight for so-called equal rights and then a moment later make a crack about the inability of men to run a household or whatever.
It angers me and this is obvious. So why do I keep getting these horrid and tasteless forwards from who else but women in my own church. And whatever happened to a thriving women's ministry where women actually do something good for the world rather than sit around gorging on fattening desserts all the while discussing the failures of the men in their lives.
I know I have no influence over the embittered women of America, especially those in my own surroundings. Yet I refuse to give up the battle and actually join their ranks. I am first of all, God's child. He says that I am "fearfully and wonderfully made." He says that "I am a holy and unique nation". He says that He knew me before He formed me in my mother's womb. Why would I listen to anyone else when He created me with such love and precision. Now if I could only get them to understand...
Neighborly Graces
So yesterday I'm outside with the kids getting the lawnmower out of the shed and generally keeping to myself. The neighbor (Butch) sticks her head out her bedroom window and says: "Kody wants to come out and play. You don't mind watching him for a couple hours while I do some housework right?" I responded: "Well I WAS going to mow the lawn." When that didn't dissuade her I resorted to other means and stated: "Hold on I've got to run in and go to the bathroom." My thinking was that she would leave me alone if I took long enough. However when I got outside, she had Kody waiting for me.
The killer is the statement she made next. "Yeah, I had a bug the other day too. It's going around, you know." I was in bewilderment and probably looked that way. I mean I went to the bathroom. When did going to the bathroom become a sickness, disease or virus. Anyway, two hours and a skinned knee later she finally came to collect her grandson.
Exactly when do we move again????
Out of the Mouth of Babes
Alyssa, being our only daughter and the middle child at that, is a constant source of entertainment for us. Here are a few of her recent sayings:
"Daddy, I wish I had a tattoo. But I REALLY want a tat-three"
"Oh Aaron, you're such a tobbler"
"It's not raining again. Yay, God!"
Why Is It....?
... that I can think of a million funny things during the course of a day, but as soon as I sit down and wait the ten minutes it takes to dial-in to blogger, the thoughts have fled?
...that when I find something in which I think "oh, that would make a great blog post" my husband has already beat me to it?
...that the notorious neighbor, aka lurleen, generally only comes over now after my hubby has arrived home?
...that as soon as I get comfortable on the couch there's inevitably a scream followed by uncontrollable crying in the other room?
...that the days I can get a babysitter, I can't seem to get the checkbook to allow a night out?
...that I never have a showing scheduled when the house is immaculate?
...that as soon as I get the kids all cleaned up with shoes and necessary clothing on to go outside it starts raining?
...that I still feel I need to obey my mother's commands?
...that I get 3 times as many "bulk" emails as regular ones?
...that as soon as I get that horrid knocking fixed in the car, I discover a mysterious leak?
...that I still prefer chocolate milk over any other refreshment including Squamscot sodas?
...that I can't order from the kids menu even though I can't eat half an adult's sized portion?