Stendy's Stuff

Any fool can criticize, condemn, and complain but it takes character and self control to be understanding and forgiving. --Dale Carnegie

July 27, 2006

My Own Opinions

In response to gagknee's recent reviews , I must add this rebuttal:

Deadwood: First season was awesome. Second, I'm not convinced either way. I'll keep you posted. Season 1: 4.8 stars Season 2: 2.9 stars (so far)

Pale Rider: OK. Not exactly impressive especially since it could desperately use a restoration. But not nearly as heinous as I had envisioned westerns to be. 3.25 stars

Outlaw Josey Wales: Good movie. Really. So I've let my guard down regarding westerns. I'll give it 4.5 stars

Serenity: This was a contrived, idiotic movie with no originality and certainly not a single exceptionally acted moment. It was a mix of Fifth Element and The Postman but lacking all the excitement & uniqueness of the first and all the period charm of the second. Gagknee, what were you thinking. Did you actually enjoy this flick??? Reaching I'd give it 2 stars.

Arrested Development I: Entertaining and funny. I love comedies and this one is a hit in my book. 'nuff said. 5 stars

As far as The Hills Have Eyes & Friday Night Lights, I have no opinion as I have not had the opportunity, nor do I want one, to watch either.


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