Stendy's Stuff

Any fool can criticize, condemn, and complain but it takes character and self control to be understanding and forgiving. --Dale Carnegie

December 17, 2007

Death to the Blog

Ugh, I probably should just give up on this blog thing. I really was not made to express myself in written word. But here I am again feeling compelled to add some insignificant thought simply to keep this blog from being added to the forgotten pile.

Hmmmm, what to write.....I could share my Christmas list if I actually had one or I could enlighten anyone who stumbles on this site that my parents are once again about to grace us with their presence for over a week -- oh kill me now. I could say that I have been so NOT stressed this year about Christmas because perfection is no longer a goal of mine; yet I have found a new hobby in people-watching as they bustle all around me in various states of hurriedness.

I could complain about the cost of milk or rejoice that I no longer spend nights worrying that I'll have to clear mountains of snow off the car. I could say that the kids & I are absolutely thrilled with Gagknee's new job and the proximity of it to our house or I could brag about taking my youngest to work today and everybody gushing over what a well-behaved child he is.

But I think I'll just stick to saying Merry Christmas to you

October 18, 2007

Small World

So today at work we got this new lady in for therapy. I noticed on her sign-in sheet that she works for the same company as gagknee, so I asked her if she knew my husband. This was her response:

"Oh Andy, yeah I know him. I get the privilege of sitting really close to him. Oh he's such a sweet guy and he has the patience of Jehovah. All day he has to put up with all the ladies in the department bombarding him with their needs and he always helps us all. Yes, he's a great guy. And he's cute too...."

I'm not kidding she gushed like this for a good 10-15 minutes.

October 13, 2007


I attended the funeral of my neighbor today and it got me thinking of what I hope people will say about me when I'm gone.

I want people to say I was compassionate and caring. I want them to say I made them happier when I was around them. I want them to say I had faith in the good of people and yet my idealism was not shrouded by naivete. I want them to say I could hold my own in an intelligent debate, but had the maturity to concede when I was wrong. I want them to say that I was not consumed with the superficial things of life. And of course, I want them to say that my priorities were right: God-husband-kids.

Work Update

In case you were wondering, work is still pretty easy. At least I've been upgraded to helping with patients and more office duties including managing the bills, etc. I keep thinking my boss is going to realize at any moment that my job is supercilious and unnecessary -- the business is just not big enough yet. Yet he makes rare comments that he's afraid I'm going to quit because he can't keep me busy enough. In response the other day to one of these moments, I ventured a comment that I think he wants a "front office tech" simply to look more professional. He looked me square in the face and said "That's exactly what I'm hoping for."

Anyway, I'm working on convincing him to use me for marketing meetings and he even said he might have me start managing his personal finances since he could use the help. So I might have more work to keep me busy in the future. Right now, I'm actually enjoying the slow and stressfree pace! Hey I'm getting paid to get a daily break from housework. :)

Sing Along

There's this new CD I want since I've fallen in love with it. Of course, buying impromtu gifts for myself is not my way of doing things. However, I've discovered that the artist has half the CD on myspace for free! Downside = having to be near the computer to hear it. Upside = getting something for free is always a plus!