Stendy's Stuff

Any fool can criticize, condemn, and complain but it takes character and self control to be understanding and forgiving. --Dale Carnegie

December 17, 2007

Death to the Blog

Ugh, I probably should just give up on this blog thing. I really was not made to express myself in written word. But here I am again feeling compelled to add some insignificant thought simply to keep this blog from being added to the forgotten pile.

Hmmmm, what to write.....I could share my Christmas list if I actually had one or I could enlighten anyone who stumbles on this site that my parents are once again about to grace us with their presence for over a week -- oh kill me now. I could say that I have been so NOT stressed this year about Christmas because perfection is no longer a goal of mine; yet I have found a new hobby in people-watching as they bustle all around me in various states of hurriedness.

I could complain about the cost of milk or rejoice that I no longer spend nights worrying that I'll have to clear mountains of snow off the car. I could say that the kids & I are absolutely thrilled with Gagknee's new job and the proximity of it to our house or I could brag about taking my youngest to work today and everybody gushing over what a well-behaved child he is.

But I think I'll just stick to saying Merry Christmas to you


At 6:40 PM, Blogger gagknee said...

Wait, what? I got a new job?


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