Stendy's Stuff

Any fool can criticize, condemn, and complain but it takes character and self control to be understanding and forgiving. --Dale Carnegie

July 03, 2006

Why Is It....?

... that I can think of a million funny things during the course of a day, but as soon as I sit down and wait the ten minutes it takes to dial-in to blogger, the thoughts have fled?

...that when I find something in which I think "oh, that would make a great blog post" my husband has already beat me to it?

...that the notorious neighbor, aka lurleen, generally only comes over now after my hubby has arrived home?

...that as soon as I get comfortable on the couch there's inevitably a scream followed by uncontrollable crying in the other room?

...that the days I can get a babysitter, I can't seem to get the checkbook to allow a night out?

...that I never have a showing scheduled when the house is immaculate?

...that as soon as I get the kids all cleaned up with shoes and necessary clothing on to go outside it starts raining?

...that I still feel I need to obey my mother's commands?

...that I get 3 times as many "bulk" emails as regular ones?

...that as soon as I get that horrid knocking fixed in the car, I discover a mysterious leak?

...that I still prefer chocolate milk over any other refreshment including Squamscot sodas?

...that I can't order from the kids menu even though I can't eat half an adult's sized portion?




At 11:17 AM, Blogger Rob said...

Maybe Lurleen has placed a curse on you as part of her efforts to steal your husband.

At 11:09 AM, Blogger gagknee said...

not even the strongest voodoo magic...

At 3:24 PM, Blogger Rob said...

You may want to get someone to pray a hedge of protection around your house.


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