Stendy's Stuff

Any fool can criticize, condemn, and complain but it takes character and self control to be understanding and forgiving. --Dale Carnegie

March 21, 2007

Death Come Quickly

No, not death to the blog although I am fully aware it has been a month since I've ventured to write. However, I am referring to the nasty flu that has kept me immobile for several days. I must be a follower since I have now fallen prey to the ever-popular virus. Things are looking better now though as I am sitting in an upright position and have not yet felt the wash of nausea sweeping through my body.

And Skape7, I promise I will soon post a pic or two of the latest wedding just to fuel your fantasies!


At 10:38 PM, Blogger Mindy said...

Ugh...I was the same way a couple weeks ago. It was awful. Get better soon!!

BTW - I am catching up on your blogs... Who's getting married?

At 9:50 AM, Blogger stendy said...

hey! it's nice to see you here :) Andy's sister just got married a few weeks ago and now his brother will be tying the knot right around your birthday.

At 9:17 PM, Blogger skape7 said...

Wooooooo, I'm so excited!!! I will definately be stalking this blog until you post the pics...can't wait to hear all the wedding details!

And very glad to hear you're feeling better! Flu sucks!


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