Stendy's Stuff

Any fool can criticize, condemn, and complain but it takes character and self control to be understanding and forgiving. --Dale Carnegie

August 10, 2006

Wake Up Call

I feel like I've been living in some kind of limbo lately. I know God has given me a calling and that He will reveal this to me at His perfect timing. It's just that patience has never been my best attribute. I have told Him many times that I am ready to follow; yet nothing has changed and I am getting increasingly weary of the wait. I am only writing this because this morning I received my online devotional and it was the most encouraging thing. It said:

"God called each of these servants to accomplish a certain task in His kingdom, yet He was in no hurry to bring their mission into fulfillment. First, He accomplished what He wanted IN them. We are often more focused on outcome than the process that He is accomplishing in our lives each day. When we experience His presence daily, one day we wake up and realize that God has done something special in and through our lives. However, the accomplishment is no longer what excites us. Instead, what excites us is KNOWING Him."

Powerful and encouraging. So I plug on in life knowing that He is molding me and He will fulfill His desires in me in His perfect timing. Still, I long to know when I will be of use to His kingdom. I yearn for a quest, an adventure....


At 5:09 PM, Blogger mike gagne said...

in no rush to do your calling?

that doesn't sound right.

At 2:15 PM, Blogger stendy said...

mike - it's not for lack of desire to discover and fulfill this calling. it's merely a submission to God to let Him do it His way

At 9:13 PM, Blogger mike gagne said...

sorry, i was referring to what michelle said.


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